After months of speculation, Apple has finally announced that the launch event for the new iPhone 5 will be held on September 12 at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Many have been wondering what Apple would name the upcoming iPhone, among other things, but “iPhone 5” seems to be a lock, especially with this promo graphic:
There have been a ton of rumors as to what the new iPhone would look like and what the specs would be. Many are expecting a taller 4 inch screen, especially with a majority of consumers leaning towards phones with larger screens these days. There have also been leaks about the dock connector being shrunk down to make room inside the new iPhone so more stuff could be crammed inside. Of course, all these questions will be answered on September 12, but the more important thing is, when will we actually be able to buy it?
Got to hand it to Apple the graphic with the shawdow of the 5 on the bottom is damm clever!
Like your sites new design too 🙂
Thanks 🙂 I regularly check out the new themes but this one caught my eye because it looks good even without a header photo. My girlfriend has an officemate who literally just got an iPhone 4S. I desperately wanted to post this image on her page
Hilarious, but sad for your girlfriend.
Not my girlfriend. Her officemate. Hey speaking of themes, yours is much better and more readable.
Sorry, did have it right be clicked too early. Whoops! Yeah this one is much better than my last. Much happier.
Hilarious, but sad for your girlfriend’s officemate.