What do you get when some of the brightest minds in the tech industry gather in one place to fuel our local SME growth. Well, you get a seminar, lol. But what if you get that, plus infuse it with influencers and celebrities, not to mention mix in a day’s worth of fun, games and partying? Why, you get the PLDT Tech Island, which this year was held at Pico De Loro, Nasugbu, Batangas!
MobileTechPinoy was given the opportunity to attend this grand undertaking and we were able to listen in on inspirational presentations by Gary Whitehill, Founder of both Entrepreneur Week and Founder/CEO of Burst, who talked about taking a personal goal and turning it from a dream to an actual business through innovation, as welll as Paul Pajo, Developer Evangelist at Smart Communications who himself gave his own presentation albeit one that was more interactive. There were also breakout sessions by Samsung, Microsoft, SAP, Cisco, Symantec, Asigra, IPC, SalesForce, and MePay.
In case you were wondering what all this was for, our local SMEs are badly in need of knowledge, hands-on experience, and support. The purpose of PLDT Tech Island is to strengthen their momentum in these areas and promote technological development that should ultimately lead to sustainable success. There, SMEs could take advantage of in-depth discussions on Disaster Defiance, Creative Collaboration, and Seamless Process Integration.
As if that wasn’t awesome enough, PLDT Tech Island was capped off with a beach party hosted by Roxee B where we got to enjoy the sunset complete with food, drinks, and even gadget raffles. Lucky attendees got to take home Chromebooks, TVs, smartphones and tablets! Interestingly enough, we learned that PLDT Tech Island isn’t going to be a one and done deal. PLDT and their partners plan to hold one every year for the benefit of our local SMEs!
To learn more about PLDT Tech Island, please visit their website here. Just because this latest Tech Island event is over doesn’t mean you can’t sign up to get updated on any future Tech Island events. At the very least, you’ll be able to relive the experience some of us had by browsing the photos. You can also like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter.